Miscellaneous Provisions:  Corporate Seal — The Charitable Foundation seal shall contain the name of the Charitable Foundation, the date of its creation and the words "INCORPORATED TENNESSEE, OCTOBER 31, 2009. The fiscal year of the Charitable Foundation shall be the year ending 12/31.
Parliamentary Authority and Amendments:  The rules contained in Roberts' Rules of Order, Revised shall govern the Charitable Foundation in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the By-Laws or special rules of order of this Charitable Foundation. In case of conflict between the provisions of these By-Laws, special rules of order of the Charitable Foundation and the Foundation Charter the latter shall prevail and the appropriate steps shall be taken by the Board of Director to modify the By-Laws and the special rules of order to bring them into conformity.

"Helping The Community Is Everybody's Responsibility"

      Sister Jonnie Dawson

The Purpose of

The IBEW-Jonnie Dawson Charitable Foundation

To Aid, Service and Deliver Hope.

​​ In Loving Memory of Jonnie Dawson, IBEW Local 1288 founded the IBEW-Jonnie Dawson Charitable Foundation for the purpose of serving Memphis/Shelby County and surrounding communities by giving monetary donations and self service to the communities we proudly live in and serve. The IBEW-Jonnie Dawson Charitable Foundation, Inc shall be not-for-profit.
Officers:  The officers of the IBEW-Jonnie Dawson Charitable Foundation shall be the same officers of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1288. The President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer and Business Manager of the Local Union 1288 shall also hold the above stated offices in the IBEW-Jonnie Dawson Charitable Foundation carrying the same responsibilities and duties. No two offices shall be filled by the same above officers.
Meetings:  A meeting of the directors and members of the Charitable Foundation shall be held annually on the First Thursday of each July.  Special meetings may be called only by the Business Manager or the Board of Directors.
Membership:  Members in good standing of Local Union 1288 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, shall be members of the IBEW-Jonnie Dawson Charitable Foundation, and upon any member of Local Union 1288 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, failing to maintain himself/herself as a member of said Local Union 1288 in good standing, he shall, concurrently with his loss of membership of said Local Union 1288 no longer be a member of IBEW-Jonnie Dawson Charitable Foundation.


© Copyright. All Rights Reserved

NAME:  The name of the Charitable Foundation shall be IBEW-Jonnie Dawson Charitable Foundation Inc., (here after may be referred to as Charitable Foundation) and its principal office and place of business shall be in the City of Memphis, County of Shelby and the State of Tennessee.
Mission Statement-Purpose:  To Aid, Service and Deliver Hope.  
Board of Directors:  The Board of Directors of the IBEW-Jonnie Dawson Charitable Foundation shall consist of the Local Union officers including the Executive Board of Local Union 1288 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, including two Assistant Business Managers. (Fifteen (15) Directors)